Road District

The Highway Department is responsible for approximately 50+ miles of roads and right-of-ways in the unincorporated areas in Millstadt Township. Stan and his staff remove snow and ice from the roads, cut grass along the right-of-ways, maintain the drainage ditches, and maintain the road surface. The Highway department, also, maintains and installs traffic control and street signs.

Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

Phone: 618-476-3592



Dear Resident:

Due to the increased incidents of vehicles parked on the street after a snowfall accumulation of 1 inch or more, we prohibit street parking during those conditions.

We had tried to avoid having to institute the parking restrictions, but we find that after a snowfall accumulation of 1 inch or more; vehicles parked on the street causes a safety hazard that prevents emergency vehicles such as police, fire trucks and ambulances in addition to our trucks from entering the street to plow the snow.

Thank you for your cooperation.



Mailboxes can create a safety hazard if they are not constructed and installed properly. It is important to ensure the safety of vehicle passengers or pedestrians that mailboxes will break away, if hit. Therefore, it is very important to install mailboxes per the following guidelines:


  • Mailboxes must be properly installed so as to allow for convenient servicing by the letter carrier and avoid future problems.
  • The use of a group mailbox stand (i.e., a number of mailboxes on one support) is encouraged where possible. This helps the letter carriers to speed up deliveries and avoids damage by snowplows.
  • Only United States Postal Service approved mailboxes may be used.
  • The bottom of the mailbox must be 40 – 44 inches above the pavement surface.
  • Residents are responsible for keeping their mailbox in good repair.
  • The ideal mailbox support is an assembly which, if struck, bends or falls away from the striking vehicle of severely damaging the vehicle and injuring its occupants. Mailbox supports no larger than 4 inch by 4 1/2 inch wood posts, or 2 inch diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe, buried no more than 24 inches in the ground, should safely breakaway if struck by a vehicle.
  • The use of heavy metal posts, concrete posts, and miscellaneous items of farm equipment such as milk cans filled with concrete is not permitted. A brick, stone, or any cement structure of permanent nature is strictly prohibited
  • Check with your local post office for guidelines on the proper installation of mailboxes.

The above regulations comply with the National Safety Council and Federal Highway Administration regulations.



Snow Removal

Millstadt Township begins salting when the snow starts to accumulate and traffic safety is affected. We spread rock salt mixed with fly ash, which will melt snow and ice when ambient temperatures are as low as zero degrees. If snow accumulation reaches 1 to 2 inches, the crews will begin snow plow o Millstadt Township begins salting when the snow starts to accumulate and traffic safety is affected. We spread rock salt which will melt snow and ice when ambient temperatures are as low as zero degrees. If snow accumulation reaches 1 to 2 inches, the crews will begin snow plow operations. When this is complete, the center line of most streets are reapplied with salt and fly ash.

Our crews do not intentionally plow in your drive, nor aim for your mailbox. Our snowplows are of the same side delivery design as all other municipalities. This is the fastest and the most efficient means to remove snow from the streets. As a result, snow is discharged to your curb, and inevitably into driveways. If possible, delay the time you clear the end of your driveway until the plows have completely cleared your street. NOTE: most of the time we initially plow several passes to open your street and the come back later to clean to the curb.

Occasionally, heavy slush discharged from a plow will knock down a mailbox. Most mailboxes, if properly installed and maintained, will withstand heavy slush. The township will not be responsible for damage to improperly placed or neglected mailboxes. If your mailbox meets specifications and is damaged as a result of our work, contact the Highway Department, and we will repair it replace it with a standard mailbox.

In order to plow the Township roads to ensure safe passage it is imperative to get the snowplow trucks out and on the streets plowing with as little obstructions as possible. It is difficult for our drivers to maneuver around vehicles parked in the street or right-of-way and the roads cannot be cleaned properly. We, also, find it hard to keep the roads safe and clean when the snow is pushed from driveways and right-of-ways into the street. The snow freezes and turns to ice causing a road hazard. It is dangerous to put obstructions in the right-of-way, if our plow or another vehicle hits it, it could cause serious injury to someone or damage the vehicle.

We would appreciate your cooperation in the following suggestions to speed up the snow removal process:

  • Do not park in the street after 1″ of snow has fallen.
  • Do not push the snow from your property into the street.
  • Do not put any obstructions in the right-of-way (i.e. boulders, rebar, steel structures, etc.)