Board of Trustees

Randall Eckert, Trustee
Senior Center Board member

David Hankammer, Trustee
Senior Center Board member

Jim Palovick, Trustee
Senior Center Board member

Larry Todd, Trustee


Responsibilities of Township Board of Trustees

The township board has the power to call special township meetings. The township board determines the place for holding the annual or special township meetings.

The resignation of a township official is made to the township board, except in the case of a multi-township assessor whose resignation is made to the multi-township board. Within 60 days, the township board must fill by appointment all vacancies occurring in any of the township offices, except for the office of multi-township assessor.

The township board designates depositories for all township funds and road district funds.

The township board has the power to audit the accounts of the supervisor and highway commissioner. They should check to see that the public official has drawn his or her order on the proper fund in line with the budget and appropriation ordinance. If orders are not in accord with the budget and appropriation ordinance, then the bills should not be approved. Also, if the account does not have funds in the bank to cover the order, the bill may not be paid. In terms of the highway commissioner, if he does not have an item budgeted for, then the trustees can refuse to allow the bill for that purchase. Otherwise the board has to approve the expenditures.

Annual Audit: If a township appropriates $200,000 or more during a fiscal year (exclusive of road funds), the township board must have a CPA audit done within 6 months after the close of each fiscal year. The board must file a copy of the audit with the township clerk and the county clerk. (The $200,000 appropriation threshold has been changed to $850,000 of revenues for FY 2003 and thereafter)

In townships that appropriate less than $200,000 a year (exclusive of road funds), the township board shall have all accounts and records of the township audited by an independent auditing committee composed of 3 township electors who are chosen by the board. A copy of the auditing committee’s report must be filed with the township and county clerks. (The $200,000 appropriation threshold has been changed to $850,000 of revenues for FY 2003 and thereafter)

Regardless of annual appropriation, every township board must have a CPA audit conducted within 6 months after a) the end of each term of office of the township supervisor and b) after a vacancy occurs in the office of the township supervisor.

The township board prepares the township budget and appropriation ordinance within or before the first quarter of each fiscal year. The tentative form must be made conveniently available to public inspection at least 30 days prior to a public hearing. A notice of the public hearing must be published in the newspaper at least 30 days prior to the public hearing. A public hearing is held on the tentative budget, and the board of trustees adopts the budget. A copy of the budget is to be filed with the township and county clerks within 30 days after its adoption.

The township board of trustees also approves and adopts the highway commissioner’s budget or any part of the budget they deem necessary. Road district budget is adopted at the public hearing.

During the month of June, the township board is required to adopt an ordinance stating its intent to comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Law. Within 30 days after adopting the ordinance, the township must publish in the newspaper a notice stating that the area’s prevailing wage has been determined. A certified copy of the ordinance and the sample certificate should be filed with the Secretary of State’s Office.

The township board may borrow money from any bank or financial institution or, with the approval of the highway commissioner, from a township road district fund, if the money is to be repaid within one year from the time it is borrowed.

The township board can make transfers between line items within any fund in the budget and appropriation ordinance not to exceed 10% of the total amount appropriated in each fund. You cannot make transfers between appropriated line items in different funds.

The township board may amend the budget and appropriation ordinance anytime during the fiscal year by following the same procedure as is provided for its original adoption.